Posted by : test Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014 is a script in bash to automate frameworks like Nmap,Driftnet,SSLstrip,
Metasploit and Ettercap MITM attacks. this script makes it easy, tasks such as
SNIFFING tcp/udp traffic, ManInTheMiddle attacks, SSLsniff, DNS spoofing, the other
modules available are:

retrieve metadata from target website, DoS attacks inside the external/local network,
also uses macchanger to decoy scans, uses nmap to search for a specified port open
in external/local lan, change/see your mac address, change my PC hostname, can also
perform TCP/UDP packets manipulation using etter.filters, also as the hability of
capture pictures of web-browser surfing on the target machine under MITM attack and
performs a vuln scan to the target web-site using websecurify firefox-addon, also
uses [msfpayload+msfencode+msfcli] to have remote control of target machine, also
came with [root3.rb] meterpreter ruby auxiliary script,and a module for install/edit
the meterpreter script and upgrade the metasploit database automatic, search for
targets geolocation, or use [] module to search for admin login pages,
website directorys,webshells.php planted on website,common file upload vulns scanner
[LFI], and search for xss vuln websites using google dorks, also uses a module to
automated some attacks over MITM (dns-spoof+metasploit+phishing, and a colection of
(metasploit) automated exploits...



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